General conditions for ICO

Find all the terms and conditions relating to investment in the ICO and Summit Token on this page.



ARTICLE 1 – Scope of application

These General Conditions of Use and Sale (the “ General Conditions ”) are concluded between:

The Company IGNITION MARKETS Ltd. , a company incorporated under Irish law whose head office is located at 5 the Grain Store, Distillery Lofts, Distillery Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 3, Ireland, registered under number 518202 and represented by Mr. Mathieu Vincent in his capacity of President;

Hereinafter referred to as the “ Company ” or “ IGNITION MARKETS ” or “ SUMMIT ”;


The Beneficiaries of the initial $SUMMIT token sale (the “ Beneficiaries ” or the “ Beneficiary ”);

On the other hand ;

Together referred to as the “ Parties ” and separately a “ Party ”.

These General Conditions constitute the sole basis of the commercial relationship between the Parties and are intended to set the conditions and terms of sale by the Company of $SUMMIT tokens from the Application, as well as to define the rights and obligations of the Parties. .

IGNITION MARKETS is offering for sale to the public one token (the “ $SUMMIT ”) from the Summit 360 platform (the “ Application ”) as part of an initial token sale (an “ ICO ”).

In return for the purchase of $SUMMIT, the Beneficiary has the possibility of accessing services provided by the Company to Beneficiaries of $SUMMIT (the “ Services ”). These General Conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all Services, as defined in Article 3 hereof, provided by the Company to the Beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries have the possibility of accessing the ICO, the Application and the Services whether they are Non-Professionals or Professionals within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code.

As part of the ICO, any use of the Application by a Beneficiary implies unreserved acceptance and commitment to respect all of these General Conditions. To this end, the Beneficiary declares having read and accepted these General Conditions prior to purchasing $SUMMIT from the Application.

The General Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Parties, such that they cancel and replace any previous document, letter, offer or other written or oral agreement having the same subject.

The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, at any time and without notice to modify the characteristics associated with $SUMMIT, the conditions of the ICO, the conditions of access to the Application, the Services offered or these Terms and conditions.

In the event of a modification of these General Conditions, the modification will be published on the Application and a notification of modification will be published to the Beneficiaries at least 48 hours before entry into force.

Use of the Application following the modification of the General Conditions will imply acceptance by the Beneficiary of the modified General Conditions.

The Beneficiary is encouraged to do their own research regarding the $SUMMIT token. As such, the Company has shared a summary document presenting the $SUMMIT, the conditions of the ICO and the activity of the Company (the “ White Paper ”).

The White Paper is accessible at the following address: .

ARTICLE 2 – Definitions

Each of the terms mentioned below has, in these General Conditions, the following meaning:


Has the meaning given to it in article 1 hereof;


Has the meaning given to it in article 1 hereof;

Digital Assets

Refers to digital assets issued and exchangeable on a blockchain as defined in Article L.552-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code used via the Application, and more particularly BTC and ETH as well as any digital assets which could in the future to be used via the Application. These digital assets are neither issued nor guaranteed by a central bank or public authority, and are not attached to a legal tender currency. They do not have the legal status of a currency;


Designates the period during which the tokens are blocked, once the listing has been made;


Refers to the Monetary and Financial Code;

Approved Account

Has the meaning given to it in article 5 hereof;

Account suspended

Has the meaning given to it in article 5 hereof;

Personal data

Refers, within the meaning of the GDPR, to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (an identifiable person being a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a name, an identification number, an online identifier or to a specific element specific to their physical or psychological identity);

Intellectual Property Rights

Means any intellectual property right of any kind, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, service marks, registered designs, design rights, copyrights, over confidential information, know-how and domain names and all similar rights situated in any country, as well as requests for any of the above and the right to request any of these rights in n any part of the world ;

Force Majeure

Refers to the meaning of article 1218 of the Civil Code, in contractual matters, any event beyond the control of the debtor, which could not be reasonably foreseen when the contract was concluded and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, preventing the execution of his obligation by the debtor. If the impediment is temporary, the execution of the obligation is suspended unless the resulting delay justifies the termination of the contract. If the impediment is definitive, the contract is automatically terminated and the Parties are released from their obligation;


Has the meaning given to it in article 1 hereof;


Has the meaning given to it in article 5 hereof;


Has the meaning given to it in article 5 hereof;


Has the meaning given to it in article 5 hereof;

Third Party Services

Has the meaning given to it in article 3 hereof;


Refers to the mandatory retention period imposed on Beneficiaries, before progressive release of tokens; And

White Paper

Refers to the document specifying the characteristics of the $SUMMIT, the conditions of the ICO and the activities of the Company.
It is accessible at the following address: .

ARTICLE 3 – Services offered

3.1 – Provision of the Application

To access the ICO, Beneficiaries must use the Summit 360 Application made available free of charge by the Company.

The Application is accessible at the following address: 

The Application centralizes the various tools offered by the Company, in the form of integrations.

As such, the ICO is available from the “Summit Token” integration.

From the Application, Beneficiaries can access the various integrations offered by the Company or be directed to private chat channels (e.g. Discord).

The Application may contain links and references from sites, services and platforms which are not operated by the Company. These platforms may provide additional services (e.g. communications tools, identity verification) (“ Third Party Services ”).

These Third Party Services, listed in Appendix 1 hereof, are governed by the conditions of use and sale of the suppliers of the Third Party Services concerned, under their sole responsibility.

The Company cannot be held responsible in the event of failure of Third Party Services, lack of availability, or the services, content, products or goods available via these Third Party Services.

For more information, Beneficiaries are invited to consult the conditions of use and sale as well as the confidentiality policy of the Third Party Services concerned.

3.2 – Sale of $SUMMIT tokens

Beneficiaries have the opportunity to participate in the ICO organized by the Company.

The ICO is carried out in distinct phases:

Phases dedicated to the Company's Beneficiaries :

  • A phase 1 dedicated to the Beneficiaries of the Company (closed); And
  • A phase 2 dedicated to the Beneficiaries of the Company (closed) .

Private phase (“ Private Sale ”):

  • A “private” phase whose conditions are provided for in Appendix 3 hereof.

Phases open to the public:

  • Phase 1 open to the public ( launch on November 2, 2023 and until the tokens on sale run out );
  • Phase 2 open to the public ( until the tokens on sale are exhausted );
  • Phase 3 open to the public ( closing is scheduled for the end of April 2024 ).

The Company reserves the right to modify these dates at its discretion.

The ICO is currently in the following phase: Public Sale - Phase 1.

A detailed overview of the timetable associated with the ICO is detailed in point 5.6.1 of the White Paper and reproduced below.

With this ICO, the Company wishes to finance the development of its activity and thus develop its products, as indicated in point 2.2 of the White Paper.

The technical characteristics and terms of the $SUMMIT token are detailed in Article 7 hereof.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary acknowledges that the minimum amount required to access phase 1 of the Public Sale is set at five hundred (500.00) euros. The maximum amount authorized for the purchase of $SUMMIT during phase 3 is set at five hundred thousand (500,000.00) euros.

Summary table :

ARTICLE 4 – Availability of the Application and Services

The Beneficiary's access to the Application and Services is via the URL: .

The Application is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of Force Majeure (as mentioned in article 16 hereof) and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance and update interventions necessary for the proper operation of the Application.

The $SUMMIT token sale service is open during precisely defined phases (see Article 3 hereof) and depending on the quantity of $SUMMIT available.

The Beneficiary is informed that the Application and Services may be suspended at any time, without notice and without any compensation being due to the Beneficiary, to carry out these maintenance and update operations.

In the event that a malfunction or an anomaly hinders the proper functioning of the Application or the provision of Services, the Company undertakes to carry out the repairs necessary to restore the Application or Services as quickly as possible.

Due to the cross-border nature of the Services offered by the Company, the latter is required to provide Services to foreign Beneficiaries.

However, it is specified that the Application and the Services are not available:

  • To Beneficiaries, individuals or legal entities, nationals of a country on which the government of the United States, the European Union and/or the United Nations have imposed an embargo as well as any jurisdiction under surveillance by the FATF.
  • to Beneficiaries subject to restrictions by the United States, the European Union or the United Nations (including nationals specially designated by the United States as “Specially Designated Nationals”, the list of which is accessible at the following address: https : // );
  • To Beneficiaries who are American citizens and all persons under the jurisdiction of American jurisdictions (US Persons).

This list is non-exhaustive and the Company reserves the right to exclude any Beneficiary from a jurisdiction whose regulations prohibit the operation, deployment and use of the Application or Services.

The list of jurisdictions not authorized to invest in the ICO is annexed (Annex 2) hereto.

ARTICLE 5 – Conditions of access to the Application and the sale of tokens

5.1 – Terms of access to the Summit 360 Application

The Beneficiary's access to the Summit 360 application is conditional on opening a valid Beneficiary account.

The creation of the Beneficiary account is accessible to Beneficiaries who are individuals or legal entities.

Account creation is carried out by providing a valid email address as well as a password respecting the following entropy rules:

  • Must contain at least 8 characters;
  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter;
  • Must contain at least one capital letter;
  • Must contain at least one digit;
  • Must contain at least one special character among: !@#$%^&*()_,.?:{}|<>.

After creating their account, the Beneficiary must validate their registration by validating an email received at the email address provided.

The Company authorizes the opening of only one account per Beneficiary.

This account is strictly personal and created for the exclusive use of the Beneficiary. It is nevertheless specified that a Beneficiary is authorized to open a personal account and a professional account on the condition of providing two separate email addresses and separate means of payment specific to each account, as indicated in point 8.2.2 of the White Paper.

In the Application settings, the Beneficiary also has the option of adding two-factor authentication (“ 2FA ”) in order to secure their account.

The Beneficiary acknowledges being fully responsible for the use made of his account, including in the event of loss, access by a third party or disclosure of his password until he has effectively notified the Company loss, access by a third party or disclosure of their access.

5.2 – Conditions of access to the sale of tokens 

In order to purchase $SUMMIT tokens, the individual Beneficiary is required to complete a “Know Your Customer” (“ KYC ”) procedure. The legal entity Beneficiary is required to complete a “Know Your Business” (“ KYB ”) procedure.

This procedure allows the Company to comply with its obligations in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (“ MLB-FT ”).

The KYC/KYB procedure is carried out by the Company in cooperation with the Onfido Third Party Service.

5.2.1 – KYC

The Beneficiary who is an individual must provide the following information as part of the KYC:

  • Full name ;
  • Valid email address;
  • Mobile telephone number, allowing the reception of text messages;
  • Date of birth ;
  • Nationality ;
  • Country of Residence ;
  • Legible and valid identity document;
  • Photograph of the Beneficiary's face live , via the Onfido Third Party Service ;
  • A main residence address as well as proof of address;
  • Information on the source of the Beneficiary’s funds;
  • Response to the Beneficiary identification form provided by the Company; And
  • Response to the “Investor Profile” questionnaire provided by the Company.

Furthermore, in order to participate in the ICO, the Beneficiary who is an individual must meet the following cumulative conditions:

  • Be of legal age according to the laws in force in the Beneficiary's country;
  • Provide true, accurate, complete and current information when registering; And
  • Accept these General Conditions.

5.2.2 – KYB

The Beneficiary legal entity must provide the following information as part of the KYB:

  • Name and surname of the company representative;
  • Date of birth of the company representative;
  • Place of birth of the company representative;
  • Country of birth of the company representative;
  • Main residence address of the company representative;
  • Postal code ;
  • City ;
  • Country of main residence of the company representative;
  • Nationality of the company representative;
  • Function within the company;
  • Valid email address;
  • Mobile telephone number, allowing the reception of text messages;
  • Legible and valid identity document of the company representative ;
  • Photograph of the face of the company representative live , via the Onfido Third Party Service ;
  • Information on the source of the Beneficiary’s funds;
  • A KBIS (or equivalent) of less than 3 months;
  • The statutes of the company;
  • The register of beneficial owners;
  • A bank account number ;
  • Photograph, identity document and proof of address of the corporate officer as well as partners holding 25% or more shares in the company;
  • Response to the Beneficiary identification form provided by the Company; And
  • Response to the “Investor Profile” questionnaire provided by the Company.

In addition, in order to participate in the ICO, the Beneficiary legal entity must accept these General Conditions.

5.3 – Approval of an account

Access to the ICO is conditional on approval by the Company of the account opened by the Beneficiary (the “ Approved Account ”).

Non-approval of the account by the Company does not need to be justified.

Documents and information required for account approval

The non-exhaustive list of documents and information to be transmitted, upon simple request to the Company, can be consulted at the following link: 

It is specified that the Company reserves the right to request additional documents from the Beneficiary.

The Beneficiary expressly acknowledges being fully responsible in the event of transmission of false, incomplete or erroneous information. Where applicable, the Company cannot be held liable in the event of a false declaration by the Beneficiary.

5.4 – Updating the Beneficiary’s information

At any time, the Company may ask the Beneficiary to update their personal documents or ask them to provide additional documents in order to ensure the validity of the Beneficiary's account and allow them to continue to benefit from the Services or to benefit new Services.

The Beneficiary is required to inform the Company, as soon as possible, in the event of a change of principal residence, telephone number, financial or professional situation, or any other change which could impact its investment capacity, by sending a email to the following address:

The Company may be required to block or suspend a Beneficiary's account in the event of non-response from the Beneficiary, as indicated below.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary can modify his personal information at any time (email, telephone number, bank details, revoke the 2FA, etc.). However, for security purposes, certain information may be modified only after execution of a specific procedure communicated by the Beneficiary Service and upon presentation of supporting documents, in order to ensure the identity of the person making the change. request.

5.5 – Account suspension

The Company reserves the right to accept or refuse, without reason and at its sole discretion, any access to the Services and to suspend the Account of a Beneficiary who does not comply with these General Conditions (“Suspended Account” ) .

A Beneficiary's account may be suspended, in particular and without this list being exhaustive, for the following reasons:

  • Upon express request from a competent authority;
  • In the absence of a response from the Beneficiary, within a maximum period of seven ( 7 ) working days to questions and requests for information or transmission of documents and information sent by the Company;
  • Suspicions of illicit transactions detected on the Beneficiary's wallet .

Due to any behavior of the Beneficiary deemed abnormal (e.g. insults, threats, defamation, abusive requests, etc.) during his communications with the Company or with other Beneficiaries, and after receipt of a first written warning not respected by the beneficiary. It is specified that in the event of a serious breach making it impossible to maintain the Beneficiary's Account, it may be immediately suspended.

Consequence of suspension

The consequences of suspending an account include (without this list being exhaustive) the following:

  • Suspension of access to the Summit 360 Application ;
  • Suspension of access to private chat channels;
  • Inability to access the $SUMMIT token sale, including current and future phases;
  • And more generally suspension of access to the Services and definitive closure of the account under the conditions indicated in article 5.6.1 below.

It is specified that suspension of the account does not give any right to reimbursement of tokens previously acquired by the Beneficiary.

5.6. – Account closure 

5.6.1 – Closing by the Company

The Company may close a Suspended Account after having previously informed the Beneficiary, by any written means at least twenty-four (24) hours before the actual closure of the Suspended Account.

In the event of closure of the account, the Beneficiary's $SUMMIT tokens are reimbursed according to the terms provided for in Article 5.6.2 of the White Paper, specifying the conditions under which the Company can repurchase or cancel tokens.

5.6.2 – Closure by the Beneficiary

The Beneficiary may request, at any time, the closure of his Account by informing the Company by email to the following address:

Their request will be taken into account as soon as possible and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force at the time of the request. However, the period between the request for account closure by the Beneficiary and the final closing date may not exceed thirty (30) working days.

The Beneficiary wishing to close his account retains possession of his $SUMMIT tokens and the possibility of claiming them upon the actual issuance of the tokens (ie mint of the tokens).

Furthermore, it is specified that the closure of a Beneficiary's account is subject to validation by the Company, in the same way as any Account approval.


6.1 – Presentation of the Project 

The $SUMMIT token is a tool that the Company offers to its Beneficiaries and its community.

The $SUMMIT token qualifies as a usage token within the meaning of the Monetary and Financial Code (article L.54-10-1, 1°) and gives the right to the acquisition of the Company's goods and services. The $SUMMIT token is the virtual representation of a usage right in accordance with the technical description in the White Paper.

$SUMMIT is thus an intangible asset representing, in digital form, one or more rights, which can be issued, registered, stored or transferred by means of a shared electronic recording device.

Under no circumstances can the $SUMMIT token be considered as conferring a right to its holder, directly or indirectly, to a security giving immediate or future access to the capital of the Company or any other company, or conferring a right to vote within the corporate bodies of the Company or to receive dividends or conferring the status of shareholder or holder of securities of any company or entity whatsoever. The $SUMMIT cannot be considered as being or assimilated to a financial security, a financial contract or a cash voucher within the meaning of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

The only rights to which the $SUMMIT tokens would give access in the event of the completion of the ICO, subject to any modifications made to the ICO at the discretion of the Company, are those described in the White Paper.

By issuing the $SUMMIT token, the Company wishes to fully integrate its Beneficiaries into the development of the Company's activities.

Founded in 2019, SUMMIT is today one of the French leaders in the field of digital assets and digital asset mining. The Company today offers more than 8 flagship products related to digital assets.

The $SUMMIT token sale is a tool allowing the Company to finance its activities and increase its resolutely international positioning (the “ Project ”).

For Beneficiaries, holding $SUMMIT allows them to be at the heart of the SUMMIT ecosystem. As such, the Beneficiary has numerous benefits and obligations as described in point 6.3 hereof.

6.2 – Characteristics of the token 

The Summit Token, mnemonic code $SUMMIT, is an ERC-20 fungible token deployed on the POLYGON protocol (formerly MATIC NETWORK).

Renowned for its scalability, POLYGON is a hybrid between a level 1 and level 2 blockchain. POLYGON is thus an overlay of the ETHEREUM blockchain. As such, $SUMMIT are by nature compatible with EVM wallets.

This technical standard allows $SUMMIT great interoperability with EVM compatible protocols.

For a more detailed overview of the technical characteristics of the token, the Beneficiary is invited to read point 6.1 of the White Paper.

6.3 – Rights and obligations associated with the $SUMMIT token

The Beneficiary's purchase of $SUMMIT grants him rights and obligations that he must respect in all circumstances.

6.3.1 – Rights linked to the token

By holding $SUMMIT, the Beneficiary becomes an integral part of the SUMMIT ecosystem.

As such, it benefits from four major rights, depending on the number of $SUMMIT held:

  • Membership in the SUMMIT community;
  • Rewards linked to the operation of SUMMIT;
  • $SUMMIT staking;
  • A privileged status in the SUMMIT ecosystem, particularly depending on the number of $SUMMIT locked in staking;
  • Community token

With a community of more than 15,000 participants, SUMMIT rewards $SUMMIT Beneficiaries by offering them many special benefits.

For example, $SUMMIT Beneficiaries have privileged access to networks and feedback from community members.

The detailed list of community benefits offered by $SUMMIT is specified in point 3.1.1 of the White Paper.

  • Member Token

Holding $SUMMIT offers the Beneficiary significant and exclusive advantages.

As such, Beneficiaries holding $SUMMIT can benefit from access to exclusive discounts on the various services offered by the Company.

The detailed list of member benefits offered by $SUMMIT is specified in point 3.1.2 of the White Paper.

  • Rewards token

Furthermore, holding $SUMMIT offers the Beneficiary the possibility of receiving other $SUMMIT as a reward for their holding.

An important component of the $SUMMIT economic model, the distribution of $SUMMIT for the initial Beneficiaries of $SUMMIT is based on three mechanisms:

  • The distribution of tokens from a reserve managed by the Company ( the IGNITION reserve);
  • The distribution of tokens from a reserve managed by the Company ( the MINING reserve);
  • $SUMMIT airdrops by the company .

In order to access these rewards, the Beneficiary is required to have locked their tokens in dedicated staking pools accessible on the Summit 360 platform.

The detailed list of rewards offered by $SUMMIT is specified in point 3.1.3 of the White Paper.

  • Staking $SUMMIT

Like many token issuers, the Company has implemented a token staking mechanism.

This Staking allows the Beneficiary to have new $SUMMIT tokens at recurring periods, in return for being locked within a protocol.

As such, the Company offers three different Staking options:

  • Classic Staking, conditional on a 6-month blocking of Summit Tokens,
  • Staking Pro, conditional on a 12-month blocking of Summit Tokens,
  • Elite Staking, conditional on a 24-month blocking of Summit Tokens.

The operation and specific modalities associated with Staking are precisely detailed in point 3.3 of the White Paper.

6.4 – Conditions of sale

In the event that the KYB or KYC procedure relating to the Beneficiary is not finalized or is not validated by the Company or any other service provider to which the latter may call, the present will be deemed to have been terminated automatically without compensation or processing costs. somewhere or other.

6.5 – Delivery of tokens

By participating in the ICO, the Beneficiary acquires $SUMMIT at a particularly attractive price.

As such, in order to avoid any liquidation of $SUMMIT resulting in a massive loss of value, the Company has implemented a Cliff (blocking period) and Vesting (release period) mechanism.

Also, the delivery of $SUMMIT tokens to the Beneficiary's wallet and the free disposal of the tokens will take place at the end of a determined period following their issue and under the following conditions:

  • Phase 1 open to the public: three (3) months of Cliff and sixteen (16) months of Vesting with a progressive release of 6.25% per month;
  • Phase 2 open to the public: two (2) months of Cliff and twelve (12) months of Vesting with a progressive release of 8.33% per month;
  • Phase 3 open to the public: one (1) month of Cliff and ten (10) months of Vesting with a progressive release of 10% per month.

The Cliff and Vesting conditions are precisely detailed according to the token usage schedule in point 3.5.2 of the White Paper.

The Beneficiary having purchased $SUMMIT from the Summit 360 Application has the possibility of claiming them directly from their account on the Application.

The distribution of tokens is carried out automatically, via the use of a smart contract, in compliance with the token usage schedule indicated in point 3.5.2 of the White Paper.

The Beneficiary bears the responsibility of indicating a “non-custodial” ERC-20 wallet address, for which he holds the private key. This wallet must be synchronizable with the ETHEREUM virtual machine to allow the recovery of acquired tokens, through the Platform. The Company cannot be held responsible if the Beneficiary communicates a wallet address that does not allow their tokens to be recovered. Furthermore, the choice of wallet is at the sole discretion of the Beneficiary. If in doubt about the use or choice of a wallet, the Beneficiary is invited to contact a professional advisor. In general, the Beneficiary is invited to be particularly vigilant in the choice of their wallet, and to download it, or purchase it if necessary, from the official website of the issuer. SUMMIT cannot be held responsible for the misuse of a Beneficiary's wallet.

The Beneficiary has the possibility to follow his token purchases and claims in detail from the Application, in the “Transactions” tab accessible at the following address: .

A detailed overview of how to claim tokens is available in point 3.5 of the White Paper.

6.6 – Reimbursement of tokens 

The Company may reimburse tokens purchased by the Beneficiary under the following conditions (the “ Events ”):

  • Failure to reach the soft-cap at the close of the ICO ; And
  • Exceeding the hard-cap at the close of the ICO .

In accordance with point 7.2 of the White Paper, a refund procedure is being created and will be available on the closing date of the ICO.

In all cases, the Company undertakes to make reimbursements within a maximum period of 60 days from the date of the Event.

ARTICLE 7 – Financial Terms

7.1 – Price 

The price associated with each $SUMMIT token is determined based on each sales phase (as indicated in article 5.4.2 of the White Paper).

Also, the price associated with a $SUMMIT (the “ Price ”) is:

  • €0.05454 for public phase 1;
  • €0.07272 for public phase 2; And
  • €0.09091 for public phase 3.

The Price paid by the Beneficiary corresponds to the product of the unit price and the number of $SUMMIT tokens acquired.

It is specified that the minimum purchase amount of $SUMMIT for public phase 1 is five hundred euros (€500.00) and the maximum price is five hundred thousand euros (500,000. 00 €).

The Beneficiary will make the required payment to the Company in consideration of the acquisition of the $SUMMIT tokens on the day of purchase of the $SUMMIT tokens. The Price of the tokens will be paid by the Beneficiary by deposit on the Company's Wallet mentioned on the Application.

Furthermore, all prices offered are expressed in Euros (€) and all taxes included.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to modify its pricing offer at any time. It is specified that the price offer appearing on the Application on the day of subscription by the Beneficiary will be the only offer applicable to the Beneficiary.

Furthermore, any modification to the price offer will be subject to notification of modification on the Application at least 48 hours before its entry into force.

7.2 – Accepted digital assets

The sale of tokens is exclusively accessible to transactions carried out in digital assets.

As such, the list of accepted digital assets is as follows:

  • Bitcoin;
  • Ether;
  • USDC (BNB Smart Chain);
  • USDC (Ethereum);
  • USDC (Polygon, ERC-20);
  • USDT (BNB Smart Chain);
  • USDT (Ethereum, ERC-20) ;
  • USDT (Polygon, ERC-20).

The fees associated with the purchase of $SUMMIT, and more specifically the transaction fees associated with on-chain transactions, are the exclusive responsibility of the Beneficiary.

More particularly, the use of Bitcoin and Ether requires the Beneficiary to be attentive to conversion costs. As these assets are volatile, their value can change within seconds.

Also, the amount of $SUMMIT purchased by the Beneficiary is that calculated when the funds are received by the Company and not when the transaction is initiated by the Beneficiary.

7.3 – Billing 

The Beneficiary may obtain an invoice for subscribing to a Service, upon simple written request addressed to Company at the following address:

If applicable, the invoice is sent to the email linked to the Beneficiary's Account. This invoice is also accessible from the Application via the “Transactions” tab.

7.4 – Deposit and Withdrawal

By accepting these General Conditions, the Beneficiary declares that the funds deposited have been acquired legally, that he is the sole owner, that they are not the subject of an activity repressed by law as defined by the regulations relating to AML-CFT in the broad sense and that they have not been entrusted to the Beneficiary by a third party likely to infringe these same rules.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary certifies that it has not, or where applicable its directors or representatives, been the subject of a conviction for acts of corruption, influence peddling, extortion, illegal taking of interest, embezzlement of public funds. , favoritism or any other breach of integrity. The Beneficiary also acknowledges not having benefited from a settlement procedure following the commission of acts of the same nature.

The Beneficiary acknowledges that he is entirely responsible for the consequences linked to a false, incomplete or erroneous declaration. Also, the Company cannot be held responsible for a false declaration by the Beneficiary.

ARTICLE 8 – Risk factors

The Beneficiary hereby acknowledges the risks referred to below in a non-limiting manner (the “ Risks ”).

8.1 - Economic risks

  1. Risk of partial or total loss of the amount committed for the purchase of $SUMMIT

To the extent that it is not certain that the ICO or that the products and services linked to the ICO achieve, in whole or in part, the commercial objectives planned or envisaged, the Beneficiary acknowledges being warned that the value of the tokens $SUMMIT, at the end of the Cliff and Vesting period, is not guaranteed and the $SUMMIT token is likely to lose all value. The Beneficiary accepts this risk by purchasing tokens and declares to be able to bear the consequences of the loss of all or part of the amount committed for the purchase of $SUMMIT.

There is no guarantee that the ICO will be carried out in whole or in part and, more generally, there is no guarantee that the Beneficiary will be able to transfer his $SUMMIT or that they will allow him to obtain other products or services. than those covered by the ICO, which the Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts without possible recourse against the Company, its shareholders and/or managers and/or employees.

The Beneficiary also acknowledges that its commitment to the ICO is not carried out with the sole aim of ultimately selling its tokens or obtaining other products or services than those covered by the ICO.

  1. Exchange risk, in particular towards the euro or any foreign currency, borne by the Beneficiary

The acquisition of tokens can be carried out in digital assets.

The Beneficiary alone bears the cost and risk of converting the value of its acquisition to the issuance of tokens from a digital asset to the Euro. Likewise, it alone bears the cost and risk of converting tokens to other digital assets. These operations must be carried out on legal exchange platforms.

  1. Risk related to the valuation of tokens

The value of the $SUMMIT tokens is notably correlated to the value of the services and products within the framework of the Project.

The value of $SUMMIT tokens may increase or decrease depending on whether or not the Project is completed and/or the market value of the services and products offered by the Company. In the event of recovery, liquidation or dissolution of the Company or non-completion of the Project, the value of the $SUMMIT tokens could become zero.

The value of $SUMMIT tokens against legal tender currencies or digital assets is dependent on supply and demand on digital asset trading platforms.

The Company declines all responsibility for the exchange, purchase or transfer values of $SUMMIT tokens on these trading platforms, which the Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts.

  1. Risk of lack of secondary market

$SUMMIT tokens are usage tokens belonging to a new class of digital assets. These assets are qualified as digital assets within the meaning of Law No. 2019-486 of May 22, 2019 (the “ PACTE Law ”). Given the lack of maturity of the usage token market in France and the rest of the European Union as well as in most geographic areas of the world, there is a risk of non-admission of $SUMMIT tokens on digital asset trading platforms. Consequently, no assurance can be given as to the existence of a secondary market, which the Beneficiary expressly acknowledges and accepts.

If a secondary market for $SUMMIT tokens develops, this market may not be liquid. Consequently, the Beneficiary may not be able to sell its $SUMMIT tokens or at prices that ensure a gain comparable to similar investments benefiting from a developed secondary market.

  1. $SUMMIT Token Market Volatility Risk

There is a risk of volatility in the $SUMMIT token market resulting from both factors intrinsic to the $SUMMIT tokens and external factors. Thus, it is likely that the market value of $SUMMIT tokens is highly correlated with the value of major digital assets. Also, in the event of volatility, the market value of the $SUMMIT tokens could be lower than the value of the services to which they provide access or the price paid by the Beneficiary for the acquisition of their $SUMMIT tokens hereunder.

8.2 - Technological risks

  1. Risk of errors or security breaches allowing hacking or theft of issuer data

The Company declines all responsibility in the event of malfunctions or unexpected and unforeseeable operations linked to any blockchain on which $SUMMIT tokens are issued or transferred, and in particular, loss of $SUMMIT tokens by the Beneficiary, hacking, denial of service attacks, attacks Sybil, spoofing, malware or consensus-based attacks or the theft of Company credentials and, more generally, any situation involving the Beneficiary's inability to access its tokens.

  1. Risk of loss or theft of the Beneficiary's private key media

The Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts that there is a risk of misappropriation of $SUMMIT tokens and/or the operation of his wallet by any third party having access in particular to his private keys or his personal identification information. As such, the Beneficiary indicates that it will make its best efforts to keep its private keys and not disclose its personal information.

8.3 - Risks linked to the Project

  1. Risk of failure in the launch or technical and operational development of the Project

The $SUMMIT token was designed to be a qualified use token, making it possible to obtain goods and services to be offered by the Company as part of the implementation of the ICO.

There is no certainty that the Company will be able to implement the ICO stricto-sensu as presented in the White Paper, the Company being only bound by an obligation of means for the implementation of the ICO as as described in the White Paper.

Thus, the Company declines all responsibility and gives no guarantee as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the services offered by the Company or as to the results obtained from the use of these services, which is acknowledged and expressly accepts the Beneficiary.

The Beneficiary expressly acknowledges that the Project is subject to change at any time.

  1. Risk of substantial modification of the ICO and the rights attached to $SUMMIT tokens

No assurance can be given regarding the adoption of new European Union legislation which could have an impact on the current qualification of $SUMMIT tokens and the rights attached thereto.

The Company excludes any liability that such an event could have on the recognition of rights and the value of $SUMMIT tokens.

  1. Risks related to the lack of visibility on the regulations applicable to the offering of tokens in all the jurisdictions in which the tokens will be offered as well as the taxation applicable to the Beneficiary of $SUMMIT tokens.

Under the terms hereof, the sale and taxation of the $SUMMIT token are subject to French regulations in force on the date hereof and more particularly to the PACTE Law for the purposes of their marketing on French territory.

No assurance can be given as to the consequences of a possible judicial or administrative decision or a modification of French legislation or regulations subsequent to the date hereof. Such a decision or modification could have an impact for the Beneficiary and have an adverse effect on the value of the $SUMMIT tokens.

The Beneficiary acknowledges being fully informed of the regulations (legal and tax) applicable to him in the context of the sale of $SUMMIT tokens in exchange for digital assets, with regard to his nationality and country of residence.

The Beneficiary acknowledges having carefully examined whether the acquisition of $SUMMIT tokens is appropriate in view of its situation and financial resources and acknowledges being informed that American residents or any natural or legal persons, subject to American law (“US Person » within the meaning of US regulations), are not authorized to participate in the sale or otherwise acquisition of $SUMMIT tokens and expressly declares not to be a US Person.

  1. Risk linked to the absence of specific regulations for the Project

To date, the Company does not have a legal status requiring approval or compulsory registration. However, it cannot be excluded that the regulations evolve and that the Company is required to obtain approval or register, without it being guaranteed that the Company meets the conditions to obtain this approval, which the Beneficiary acknowledges and expressly accepts and waives the right to claim any compensation whatsoever against the Company, its shareholders, managers and/or employees.

  1. Risks of using the $SUMMIT token

The Beneficiary of $SUMMIT tokens is solely responsible for the use of the tokens acquired. The payment, purchase or transfer of $SUMMIT tokens engages his responsibility, of which he acknowledges being fully informed.

The Company disclaims all liability in the event that $SUMMIT tokens are used for the purchase or sale of products prohibited by applicable laws.

  1. Risks incurred by the Beneficiary

It is up to the Beneficiary to take all appropriate measures to protect, against any attack, its own data and/or software stored on the hardware used in the context of the use of the Application and the Services.

The Beneficiary acknowledges being solely responsible for the consequences that may arise as a result of their use of the Application or Services.

  1. Risks linked to the use of the Internet network

The Beneficiary declares to know and accept the limits and problems of the Internet network and for which the Company cannot be held responsible.

The Beneficiary acknowledges being informed in particular:

  • the characteristics and limits of the Internet network, and in particular the functional characteristics and technical performance of the Internet network;
  • the lack of reliability of the Internet network, particularly due to the lack of security in terms of data transmission and the lack of performance guarantee regarding the volume and speed of data transmissions;
  • that the integrity, authentication and confidentiality of information, files and data of any nature that the Beneficiary wishes to exchange on the Internet cannot be guaranteed on this network;
  • problems related to connection and/or access to the Internet network;
  • problems related to network availability and congestion;
  • problems related to network failure or saturation;
  • issues related to transit time, access to information posted online, response times to display, consult, query or otherwise transfer data;
  • risks of interruption of network operation;
  • risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on said networks;
  • risks of interruption of network operation; And
  • risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on said networks.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary acknowledges having read point 4 of the White Paper dedicated to risks.

ARTICLE 9 – Intellectual Property

9.1 – Intellectual property

The Company holds all Intellectual Property Rights relating to the textual, graphic, sound, video, software elements, excluding computer code developed under a restrictive software license, or any other element making up the Application or the smart contract associated with the $SUMMIT, with the exception of the information provided by the Beneficiaries.

The Beneficiaries undertake not to infringe the Company's Intellectual Property Rights.

No functionality linked to the Services or the Application may be used by the Beneficiaries with the aim or with the effect of infringing the Intellectual Property Rights attached to the Services, the Application and the elements which compose them.

As such, the Beneficiary expressly undertakes:

  • To strictly use the Application for the sole purpose of benefiting from the Services;
  • to infringe the Intellectual Property Rights held by IGNITION MARKETS on its Application, the elements which compose them, its brands, nor those held by Third Party Services on the elements which they put online on the Application by means of services ;
  • to reconstitute, attempt to reconstitute or help to reconstitute, from the Application or any of its elements, a site or service aimed at offering directly or indirectly, free of charge or for a fee, an identical service or comparable, in whole or in part, to the Services;
  • to decompile or carry out any reverse engineering maneuvers on the elements of the Application or any of its elements; And
  • To preserve the confidentiality of its identifiers, its cryptographic keys and to take all measures to ensure that no third party, in any capacity whatsoever, has access to its identifiers, cryptographic keys and cannot irregularly access all or part of it services.

9.2 - Restrictions on the Company's databases 

The Company protects and uses its data within databases (the “ Databases ”).

In accordance with article L.342-1 of the Intellectual Property Code, IGNITION MARKETS prohibits the extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer, of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of its Databases on a other medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever.

IGNITION MARKETS also prohibits the reuse, by making available to the public, all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of its Databases, whatever the form.

There are no exceptions to these prohibitions unless the Company expressly provides otherwise in writing.

ARTICLE 10 - Technical security

As part of the deployment and maintenance of the Application and the sale of $SUMMIT tokens, the Company implements security measures in accordance with the strictest standards in force, accompanied by an obligation of means, against unauthorized access or damage to data. It ensures the locking of the software and infrastructure of the Application.

In order to strengthen security in the context of the provision of the Services, the Company is currently implementing a continuity plan for the operation of the Application covering in particular technological, IT and cryptographic risks.

Furthermore, the Application has the following security mechanisms:

  • Strong authentication mechanism using SSH keys;
  • Protection against DDoS attacks;
  • Real-time monitoring of server health and alerts;
  • Firewall;
  • Up-to-date antivirus;
  • Mechanisms for detecting and blocking intrusion attempts;
  • Up-to-date operating system and software;
  • Daily backups of the database on an additional server; And
  • Bitwarden shared password manager.

In addition, the smart contract deploying the $SUMMIT tokens is open-source and freely auditable.

ARTICLE 11 – Absence of provision of a regulated service

It is expressly specified that the Services do not fall within a category of regulated services under French banking and financial regulations and French regulations relating to digital assets.

Consequently, the Company does not carry out any regulated activity via its Services as qualified by French banking and financial law as banking and financial canvassing, banking services, investment services, provision of services on digital assets or services of payment services.

More particularly, as part of the provision of the Services, the Company:

  • does not carry out any banking or financial canvassing activities relating to the exchange service. Consequently, the exercise of the Company's activity does not require any registration or authorization as a direct seller to carry out a banking and financial canvassing activity within the meaning of the Monetary and Financial Code;
  • does not provide any payment services within the meaning of the French Monetary and Financial Code:
  • Does not require any authorization as a payment service provider;
  • does not provide any services on digital assets within the meaning of the French Monetary Financial Code.

Consequently, the exercise of the Company's activity does not require any authorization as a digital asset service provider.

Finally, as digital assets are not, to date, qualified as financial instruments, the Company does not provide any investment services or services related to an investment service as covered by the French Monetary and Financial Code.

ARTICLE 12 – Liability

The Company complies with the legal and regulatory obligations applicable to it in the context of the provision of the Services.

$SUMMIT tokens are sold “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The Beneficiary expressly and irrevocably accepts all liability and all risks associated with the acquisition of $SUMMIT tokens hereunder, including but not limited to the risks referred to in Article 8 above.

The Beneficiary expressly accepts that the Company cannot be held responsible for the risks associated with the acquisition of $SUMMIT tokens.

Furthermore, the Company accepts no responsibility or obligation of any kind regarding any variation, upward or downward, in the value of the $SUMMIT token.

The Beneficiary acknowledges being solely responsible for the payment of any tax, tax, contribution or contribution, direct or indirect, due by virtue of the purchase of the $SUMMIT tokens, the holding and/or more generally any operation related to the tokens. $SUMMIT acquired hereunder.

The Beneficiary expressly acknowledges and agrees to comply with any regulations applicable in particular within its jurisdiction concerning the acquisition of $SUMMIT tokens and that the Company recognizes no liability in this regard of any nature whatsoever.

The Beneficiary is solely responsible for any direct damage that he may cause due to inaccurate, incomplete and/or misleading information that he provides when using the Services or in the absence of updating this information. , which the Beneficiary expressly acknowledges.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary is solely responsible for all the content that he chooses to provide regarding his Account. The Company cannot be held liable in the event that the Beneficiary provides false, inaccurate, inappropriate or illicit information.

The Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts that incorrect information may result in suspension of his Account.

The Company cannot, moreover, be held responsible in the event of deletion of access to content, of any nature whatsoever, published by a Beneficiary and clearly presenting an illicit nature.

It is specified that the Company is bound by an obligation of means for the provision of the Services and more generally for the execution of these General Conditions.

Furthermore, the Beneficiary declares to accept the characteristics and limits of an online service and, in particular, to recognize:

  • That he is aware of the hazards of providing online services;
  • That it is up to him to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of his computer, mobile phone and/or computer network allow him to use the Services and access the Application and to the ICO;
  • That he acknowledges being solely responsible for his access to the Internet; And
  • That it is up to him to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet or contracted by any other electronic means.

This clause will survive the cessation of use of the Services, for any reason whatsoever.

Limitation of liability in the context of false declarations by the Beneficiary

The Company cannot be held responsible in the event of transmission of any false, incomplete or erroneous information or declaration by the Beneficiary.

ARTICLE 13 – Non-application of the Consumer Code

No right of withdrawal

The use of the Application and the Services does not give rise to the benefit of the right of withdrawal for the Beneficiary to the extent that the Services constitute a “ provision of services fully executed before the end of the withdrawal period (...) ” as well as the “ supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market beyond the control of the professional likely to occur during the withdrawal period ” in accordance with article L.221-28 of the Commercial Code.

The Beneficiary expressly acknowledges the loss of his right of withdrawal upon acquisition of a $SUMMIT token.

ARTICLE 14 – Hypertext links

The establishment by the Beneficiary of any hypertext links to all or part of the Application is strictly prohibited, without prior written authorization from the Company, requested in advance by email to the following address:

The Company is free to refuse this authorization without having to justify its decision in any way. In the event that the Company grants its authorization, this is considered temporary and may be withdrawn at any time, without any obligation to provide justification on the part of the Company. Any link must then be removed upon simple request.

Any information accessible via a link to other sites is not under the control of the publisher who declines all responsibility for their content.

ARTICLE 15 – Personal data

In order to enable the use of the Services by the Beneficiaries, the Company processes personal data within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. and the free movement of data (GDPR).

15.1 - Identification of the person responsible and the subcontractor 

When processing the Beneficiaries' personal data, the Company acts as data controller within the meaning of the GDPR. As such, the Company determines the purposes and means for which Personal Data is used.

In the context of the use of the Application and the Services, IGNITION MARKETS acts alone as data controller.

IGNITION MARKETS uses subcontractors as part of the provision of the Services, who may have access to the personal data of the Beneficiaries under the following conditions:

Name of subcontractor
Purpose of subcontracting
Privacy policy
Onfido is a digital identity verification program that allows businesses to verify the authenticity of online identities quickly and securely. Onfido helps with the establishment of KYC and KYB Onfido, in collaboration with ComplyAdvantage, carries out PEP and sanctions checks
Data transferred:Onfido transfers personal information such as document extract data, biometric data, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, device information, and other relevant data, including during security checks. documents, facial biometric verifications, data verifications and fraud checks.

Data processing :Onfido uses machine learning models and human processes to analyze and verify collected information, while pseudonymizing, aggregating and de-identifying data wherever possible to reduce security risks.

Recipients:Data is shared with Onfido customers, data providers, Onfido group entities, third parties acting on Onfido's behalf to provide services, as well as government authorities and law enforcement agencies. law in accordance with legal requirements.

Collection of information:Onfido collects information from document checks, facial biometric checks, data verifications, and fraud checks, including details such as name, document number, date of birth, nationality, type document, issuing country, expiration date, image metadata, biometric data, etc.

Location :Onfido operates in multiple countries around the world, processing data from various sources and locations, complying with applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction.
Synaps facilitates compliance with identity verification regulations for customers (KYC) and businesses (KYB), Synaps facilitates rapid validation and other documents. Thus ensuring the security of transactions and reducing the risks of fraud and money laundering.
Data transferred:
Email address
Last name, first name
Date and place of birth
Country of residence
Device information, including IP address

Data processing :User identity verification
Fraud prevention
Compliance with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing obligations

Recipients:Synaps and its third-party service providers

Collection of information:Personally identifiable data and user device information

Location :The services are governed and interpreted according to French laws.
Passfort (Moody’s Analytics)
Passfort plays a crucial role in KYC and KYB compliance by simplifying the collection, verification and analysis of customer data. It strengthens regulatory compliance and reduces identification and fraud risks, making it a valuable tool for ensuring the integrity of financial operations.
Data transferred:PassFort transfers personal data such as names, email addresses, physical addresses, and telephone numbers.

Data processing :They process this data for legitimate business purposes such as data analysis, personalization of experiences, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Recipients:PassFort shares this data with third parties such as service providers, strategic partners, co-brands, event organizers, and third-party data providers.

Collection of information:PassFort also collects other types of data, including monitoring data, aggregate data, cookies, tracking tools such as pixel tags, and IP addresses.

Location :PassFort stores and processes data in different countries where they have facilities or engage service providers. They ensure that cross-border transfers of personal data are carried out in accordance with applicable laws, putting in place adequate measures where necessary.
HubSpot offers an integrated CRM platform that simplifies marketing, sales and customer service processes. By centralizing data and offering detailed analytics, it improves operational efficiency and promotes a more strategic approach to managing customer relationships.
Data Transferred:Contact information such as names, addresses, emails, etc.Data from various categories of people, including contacts, employees, customers, etc.

Data processing :Storage, service improvement, and disclosure activities as required by law.Security measures to prevent unauthorized access and use of data.

Parties Involved:Summit acts as data controller.HubSpot, Inc. acts as a data processor.

Data transfer :Personal data is transferred to HubSpot, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions, with transfer mechanisms consistent with data protection laws.

Collection of Information:Details of parties involved in data processing.Transfer activities, including categories of data subjects and categories of personal data transferred.Security measures, including access, transmission, entry and availability controls.
ClickUp is a versatile project management program that helps companies optimize organization, improve internal communication and increase operational efficiency. With its task tracking, time management and real-time collaboration features, it enables transparent and efficient project management, helping to achieve business goals accurately and efficiently.
Data transferred:
Personal data includes name, title, location, contact information, identification data, login data, location data, and other electronic data submitted, stored, sent or received by end users.

Data Processing: ClickUp receives, processes and stores personal data to provide services to the Customer, communicate with the Customer and its end users, provide customer service, monitor, maintain and improve the Services, and fulfill its contractual obligations.

The data is processed by ClickUp and may be transferred to subcontractors authorized by the customer and listed on the ClickUp subcontractors page.

Collection of Information: ClickUp collects information necessary to provide its services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the Addendum.

Location: ClickUp, as a productivity solutions provider, carries out the processing of personal data at its facilities located in San Diego, California, United States.
Google Docs, Sheets, Drive
Programs such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Drive enable businesses to effectively collaborate on documents in real time, manage and analyze data securely, and store and share files centrally, improving business efficiency. operational efficiency and internal communication.
Data transferred: Personal data of customers
Data relating to individuals provided by customers or end usersData stored in a multi-tenant environment on Google servers.

Data processing : Google uses customer data to provide services and technical support in accordance with data processing agreements, implementing strict security measures to limit access to authorized processors.

Recipients: The data is used by Google to provide services and technical support to customers, and may be shared with authorized contractors for operational reasons.

Collection of Information: Google collects personal data about individuals provided by customers or end users, stored in a multi-tenant environment on Google's servers.

Location: Data is stored and processed in secure, geographically distributed data centers of Google, with the possibility of transfer to third countries outside the EEA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, subject to the Standard Contractual Clauses of the EU or another alternative transfer solution.
Discord, an online communications software, facilitates internal collaboration by offering features such as voice calls, text chats and file sharing, thus promoting instant and effective communication within a company.
Data transferred: Usage history
Usage statistics
Personalization data
Email addresses
Phone numbers

Data processing: Use to improve user experience
Storage for security and legal compliance
Securing data in accordance with international regulations

Recipients: Discord and its subcontractors
Legal authorities in case of official request

Collection of information: Personal information such as email addresses and phone numbers
Gaming activity data and personal preferences

Location: International enforcement of privacy policies and terms of use. Compliance with EU GDPR and privacy best practices.
Scorechain is essential software for businesses that want to accurately monitor their crypto transactions, detect suspicious activity, and ensure regulatory compliance. With its advanced blockchain analytics capabilities, it strengthens financial security and builds stakeholder trust.
Data transferred: Public keys and transactionIP address data, location and browsing behavior

Data processing: Analysis of visitor trends and behaviors

Recipients: Scorechain for internal use and service improvements

Collection of information: Personal information such as name, email, phone number, company name

Location: Storage on hard drives or user device memory.
Calendly simplifies appointment scheduling for businesses by allowing customers to easily schedule time slots with team members, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Data transferred: Personal information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and scheduled appointment details.

Data processing: Use of cookies, pixels, and other technologies to monitor user activity and personalize the experience on the site.

Recipients: Calendly processes participant information on behalf of users. Servers are located in the United States, with international transfers following standard contractual clauses.

Collection of information: Collects information about connected calendars, login and interaction activities on the site, and details of user appointments and interactions.

Location: US-based servers with international data transfers complying with contractual and regulatory standards.
PandaDoc simplifies document management for businesses by automating the creation, editing and signing of contracts. This platform optimizes internal processes, improves operational efficiency and facilitates rapid conclusion of agreements, thereby strengthening the overall productivity of the company.
Data transferred: Identifying information such as names, email addresses, postal addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and financial information such as credit card details and billing information.

Data processing: Use of cookies, tracking pixels and third-party analytics services such as Google Analytics.

Recipients: Service providers for activities such as sending emails, fraud detection and payment processing.

Collection of information: Collection of data through website interactions, survey responses, emails and service-related transactions.

Location : Transfer of data to different countries via data processing agreements that comply with data protection standards.
ActiveCampaign is marketing automation software that helps businesses effectively manage their communications campaigns, track customer behaviors in real time, and improve profitability through targeted campaigns and in-depth analytics.
Data transferred: Personal information such as contact data, transaction information and browsing history.

Data processing: The data is processed to provide ActiveCampaign services, make business decisions, comply with legal obligations and resolve disputes.

Recipients: Data may be disclosed to third parties in the course of ActiveCampaign's normal business activities.

Collection of information: ActiveCampaign collects information about user activity, including the types of devices used, IP addresses, cookies and other tracking technologies.

Location : Personal data may be transferred to the United States and other countries where ActiveCampaign or its service providers operate.
Postmark is a crucial transactional email management program for businesses. It ensures the reliable and secure delivery of essential messages, thereby building customer trust and improving user experience. With its advanced tracking and reporting features, it makes it easy to manage email communications efficiently.
Data transferred: Personal information such as contact details, IP addresses, email content, marketing and demographic data.

Data processing: Use of cookies and similar technologies, including Google Analytics, for analysis and improvement of the Services.Sharing information with service providers, complying with legal requirements, and preventing fraud and abuse.

Recipients: Sharing information with third party service providers for activities such as payment processing, customer service, marketing communications, and data analysis.

Collection of information: Collection of personal information such as contact details, unique identifiers, IP addresses, demographic data, and marketing information.

Location: Processing data outside of users' country of residence, including in the United States, with safeguards such as standard contractual clauses and security measures in place.
Aircall is a cloud telephony program that improves internal and external business communication. By centralizing calls and data, it facilitates customer relationship management and offers analysis tools to optimize performance. Its seamless integration with other business systems makes it an asset for operational efficiency.
Data transferred: Identifying information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, company information and service usage.

Data processing: Customer account management, product usage analysis, system security, invoicing, cash collection, rights protection.

Recipients: Internal staff, contractors, government authorities and debt collection agencies.

Collection of information: Website cookies, including strictly necessary, performance, functional and targeting cookies.

Location: Primarily in the United States, Europe, Australia, India and Israel, with assurances of GDPR compliance through standard contractual clauses and other security measures.
Bugnsag is a useful software tool for businesses, making it easier to detect and resolve bugs in their applications. Thanks to its centralized platform, it allows development teams to efficiently manage technical issues.
Data transferred: Personal data of the Customer's employees and staff is processed by SmartBear in the context of providing services, including identifiers, location data and other information relating to physical, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social.

Data Transfer: SmartBear may transfer personal data to subcontractors for processing the services, using standard contractual clauses for international data transfers, including to countries outside the European Union and the United Kingdom .

Recipients: Data is transferred to subcontractors who act as data processors on behalf of SmartBear in the provision of the Services.

Collection of information: The information collected includes all data relevant to the provision of the Services by SmartBear, in accordance with the Customer's instructions, without processing special categories of personal data.

Location: Data is processed by SmartBear in compliance with data protection laws and regulations, and security measures such as firewalls, access controls and regular backups are put in place to protect the data, mainly in the United States.
LogRocket is an online performance tracking tool that records user activity. It allows businesses to spot technical issues and improve customer experience.
Data transferred: Personal information such as IP address, usage data and sensitive user information.

Data transfer :The data is transferred to LogRocket's servers, which may be located outside the user's country of residence.

Recipients: Data is processed by LogRocket and may be shared with third parties for business operations, security and service improvement.

Collection of information: LogRocket collects usage data, IP addresses, personal information voluntarily provided by users, and application performance information.

Location : LogRocket's servers are located primarily in the United States.
Hotjar is an essential analytical tool for online businesses. It helps collect data on user behavior, which helps businesses understand how visitors interact with their site. This information may be used to optimize user experience and improve site performance.
Data transferred: The data transferred includes information such as location data, site navigation data, contact information, as well as other sensitive personal data depending on applicable laws.

Data transfer: Data may be transferred between Hotjar and Users, as well as between different contracting parties such as Testers and Researchers, primarily in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Wales.

Recipients: Recipients of the data include Hotjar and the various contracting parties involved in the use of the platform, including Testers and Researchers, located primarily in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Wales.

Collection of information: Hotjar collects information such as personal data, site navigation data, location data, and other sensitive data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Wales.

Location: The location of data and the processing of such data are subject to the specific laws and regulations of each region where users reside and where the contracting entities operate, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Wales .
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an online tracking tool that helps businesses understand visitor behavior on their website, providing valuable insights into online performance and market trends.
Data transferred: Customer personal dataData relating to individuals provided by customers or end usersData stored in a multi-tenant environment on Google servers.

Data processing: Google uses customer data to provide services and technical support in accordance with data processing agreements, implementing strict security measures to limit access to authorized processors.

Recipients: The data is used by Google to provide services and technical support to customers, and may be shared with authorized contractors for operational reasons.

Collection of Information: Google collects personal data about individuals provided by customers or end users, stored in a multi-tenant environment on Google's servers.

Location: Data is stored and processed in secure, geographically distributed data centers of Google, with the possibility of transfer to third countries outside the EEA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, subject to the Standard Contractual Clauses of the EU or another alternative transfer solution.

15.2 - Nature and origin of personal data collected

The Company collects Personal Data from Beneficiaries in order to enable the use of the Application and Services.

The Personal Data processed by IGNITION MARKETS when using the Application and Services are as follows:

  • Data relating to navigation on the Application (time stamp, dynamic and static IP address of the Beneficiaries, technical data relating to the equipment and browser used by the Beneficiaries, cookies);
  • Email address of the Beneficiary;
  • Public address of the Beneficiary ’s digital wallet(s) ;
  • Identity of the Beneficiary (ie general data linked to the identity of an individual);
  • Proof of address ;
  • Account statements;
  • Proof of income (depending on the situation: salary, retirement or unemployment slip; certificate of resources issued by an accountant or the tax administration, tax notice);
  • Proof of income and/or assets (notarial deeds of sale, bank loan contracts, proof of income from investments (works of art, collectibles, etc.), proof of income from fixed assets or company investments (distribution agreements, dividend resolutions and current account balance); proof of income from the sale of shares in a company, proof of income from rental and leasing; notarial deed of donation, etc.)
  • Proof of origin of funds for purchases in cryptocurrencies (screenshots of purchase and withdrawal confirmation for cryptocurrencies purchased via brokers and exchanges, for profits made on brokers or exchanges, etc.).

In accordance with the GDPR, the Company limits the collection of Personal Data to what is strictly necessary. Furthermore, the Company undertakes to make its best efforts to develop Services that respect the privacy of Beneficiaries.

15.3 - Cookies 

Cookie name
Purpose of the Cookie
Video integration
Audience measurement: Cookies may be used to track how many times the video preview is displayed or how many times the video is played. This allows website owners to obtain data on the popularity of video content.

Personalization: Cookies can be used to personalize the video preview based on user preferences, such as preferred language or video quality.

Analytics: Cookies can be used to collect data on how users interact with the video preview, which can be useful for analyzing user engagement.
Authentication and user session persistence
Authentication and sessions: Cookies can be used to automatically re-authenticate a user
Price conversion integration
Personalization of user experience: Cookies can be used to personalize the user's experience on the Website by remembering their preferences and displaying relevant information based on their previous behavior.

Activity Tracking: Cookies may be used to collect data on user behavior, such as pages visited, searches performed, etc. This data may be used for analytics, tracking site effectiveness, and personalizing recommendations.

On our S360 application, we use different types of cookies to improve the user experience. First, we use cookies to manage authentication and persistence of your session, which allows you to stay logged in while you browse our site. Additionally, we use cookies to save your language preference, in order to provide you with content in the language of your choice.

Some video thumbnails loaded in our media section inject Go cookies.

15.4 - Purpose and legal basis for collecting Personal Data

The Beneficiary is informed that the processing of Personal Data by the Company, in the context of the Use of the Services, is necessary for the provision of said Services.

As such, the processing serves the following purposes: 

  • Accès et utilisation des Services ; 
  • Achat des jetons $SUMMIT ; 
  • Achat et réclamation des jetons $SUMMIT ; et
  • Respect des mesures KYC/KYB.

The processing of the Beneficiary's Personal Data is justified by the consent of the Beneficiary and the legitimate interest of the data controller (protection of other Beneficiaries and prevention of fraud) in accordance with article 6.1. a. and f. of the GDPR.

It is specified that the Beneficiary's Personal Data may be transmitted to certain entities (the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés for example) having access expressly authorized by law.

15.5 - Shelf life 

LThe Personal Data of the Beneficiaries are kept for the duration necessary for the use of the Application and the Services by the Beneficiary.

Unless the Beneficiary expresses a contrary wish, their Personal Data will be deleted at the expiration of a period of six (6) months following the closure of the Beneficiary's account or five (5) years without the Beneficiary having proceed to any use of the Application.

The Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts that his Personal Data recorded in the Blockchain cannot be erased.

The Company also indicates that the Personal Data recorded in the Blockchain are pseudonymous.

15.6 - Rights of data subjects 

IGNITION MARKETS implements all appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee an appropriate level of security in the processing of Personal Data collected from Beneficiaries.

As such, IGNITION MARKETS undertakes to notify any violation of this Personal Data to the persons concerned within seventy-two (72) hours from the discovery of the violation of the Personal Data.

In accordance with current legislation, the Beneficiary has the following rights:

  • Right of access and rectification;
  • Right to erasure;
  • Right to limit the processing of Personal Data; And
  • Right to object to the processing of Personal Data.

The Company guarantees Beneficiaries the possibility of addressing any question, comment or complaint relating to the protection of their Personal Data. Beneficiaries are invited to contact the Company via the following address:

IGNITION MARKETS reserves the right to verify the identity of the Beneficiary making a request for Personal Data rights. Their data will be deleted once the request has been processed.

With regard to the processing of the Beneficiary's data by Third Party Services, Beneficiaries are invited to read the general conditions of the Third Party Services.

In accordance with applicable law, the Beneficiary may file a complaint concerning the respect of his rights with the CNIL ( ).

ARTICLE 16 – Force majeure

In the event of the occurrence of a case of Force Majeure preventing the performance of its obligations by the Company, the application of these General Conditions would be immediately suspended, from the notification made by the Company to the Beneficiary, carried out by all means, in the event of Force Majeure.

Furthermore, the Company will inform the Beneficiary of the cessation of the Force Majeure event and execution hereof will then resume immediately on the date of this notification, unless the Parties wish otherwise.

If such an event were to continue beyond two (2) months after the date of notification, these conditions will be considered automatically terminated.

In particular, the following constitute a case of Force Majeure:

  • Hacking of the Application and/or the $SUMMIT smart contract;
  • Magnetic fields; And
  • Acts of terrorism.

ARTICLE 17 – Beneficiary Guarantee

The Beneficiary guarantees the Company against the consequences of any complaints, claims, actions and/or demands whatsoever that the Company may suffer due to the violation by the Beneficiary of any of its obligations or guarantees hereunder.

The Beneficiary undertakes to compensate the Company for any damage it may suffer and to pay any costs, charges and/or fines it may have to bear as a result.

ARTICLE 18 – Penalty for breaches

In the event of a Beneficiary's failure to comply with any of the provisions of the General Conditions or more generally in the event of a violation of the laws and regulations in force, the Company reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and in particular to suspend or terminate access to the Services to the Beneficiary, author of the breach or offense, or having participated in it, to notify any authority concerned, and take any legal action against him.

ARTICLE 19 – Security Breach

In the event that the Beneficiary believes that his security information has been compromised or if he becomes aware of fraud, attempted fraud or any other security incident (including a computer attack) concerning the Application , he must notify the Company without delay by any means and continue to provide accurate and up-to-date information for the duration of the security breach.

The Beneficiary must take all measures that the Company reasonably requires and of which it will inform the Beneficiary in order to reduce, manage or report any security breach.

ARTICLE 20 – Complaints from Beneficiaries in the context of the provision of Services

Any dispute or request from a Beneficiary relating to a malfunction of one of the functionalities of the Services must be notified by the Beneficiary to the Company within seven (7) calendar days from the day on which the Beneficiary became aware of it or within any other longer period provided for by the specific provisions or by law.

This notification is made to the following address:

The dispute must mention the errors or faults observed in the context of the use of the Services.

ARTICLE 21 – Duration and termination

This contract is concluded for an indefinite period from acceptance of the General Conditions by the Beneficiary.

The Parties may terminate these General Conditions at any time by giving thirty (30) days' notice, after having informed the other Party by email or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In the latter case, the period begins to run from receipt of said notification.

Furthermore, non-compliance with these General Conditions by the Beneficiary may result in the suspension or restriction of access to the Services or the termination hereof.

21.1 - Termination for failure of the Beneficiary to fulfill its obligations

In the event of non-compliance by the Beneficiary with one of its obligations referred to herein, these may be terminated at the discretion of the Company.

It is expressly understood that this termination for failure by the Beneficiary to fulfill its obligations will take place automatically five (5) days after sending a formal notice to comply, which has remained, in whole or in part, without effect.

The formal notice may be notified by email with acknowledgment of receipt or by registered letter with request for acknowledgment of receipt or any extrajudicial act.

This formal notice must mention the intention to apply this clause.

21.2 - Consequences of termination of the Contract 

Termination of the General Conditions will terminate the various commitments and obligations undertaken by the Parties hereunder.

It is specified that termination of these terms, for whatever reason, will not give rise to any reimbursement or restitution from the Company.

Finally, the Beneficiary's failure to fulfill its obligations hereunder may be punished by closing the account by the Company.

21.3 - Closure of Beneficiary account by the Company

The closure of a Beneficiary account by the Company results in the automatic termination of these terms.

As such, it is specified that $SUMMIT not claimed by the Beneficiary will not be subject to any reimbursement by the Company.

ARTICLE 22 – Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by French law.

Unless otherwise mandatory and in the absence of an amicable agreement between the Parties, any dispute relating to their execution, interpretation or validity will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.

ARTICLE 23 – Disputes

In the event of a dispute, the Parties respectively undertake to find an amicable solution to the dispute within thirty (30) days.

As such, the Beneficiary is invited to send his complaint to IGNITION MARKETS in writing to the following address:

Furthermore, in accordance with article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, the Beneficiary, natural person or legal entity in his capacity as Consumer, has the possibility of resorting to conventional mediation, in particular with the Mediation Commission and of consumption.

Also, in the absence of an amicable settlement of the dispute, the Beneficiary may contact the Consumer Mediator.

If the file is admissible, the dispute will be handled by the Consumer Mediator. In the event of failure of amicable settlement and mediation, article L.141-4 of the Consumer Code provides that “ the consumer may refer the matter at his choice, in addition to one of the territorially competent courts under the Consumer Code. civil procedure, the jurisdiction of the place where he resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event .

ARTICLE 24 – Languages

These General Conditions are written in French.

In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be authentic in the event of a dispute.

ANNEX 1 – List of Third Party Services



Passfort (Moody's Analytics)



Google Docs, Sheets, Drive











Google Analytics


ANNEX 2 - List of jurisdictions not authorized to invest in ICO


  • North Korea,
  • Iran,
  • Myanmar.


  • South Africa,
  • Barbados,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Burkina Faso,
  • Cameroon,
  • Croatia,
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Gibraltar,
  • Haiti,
  • Jamaica,
  • Mali,
  • Mozambique,
  • Nigeria,
  • Uganda,
  • Philippines,
  • Democratic Republic of Congo,
  • Senegal,
  • South Sudan,
  • Syria,
  • Tanzania,
  • Türkiye,
  • Vietnam,
  • Yemen.


  • Afghanistan,
  • Angola,
  • Albania,
  • Belarus,
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Burundi,
  • Cambodia,
  • West Bank,
  • Congo,
  • Cuba,
  • Eritrea,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Gaza,
  • Guinea,
  • Guinea-Bissau,
  • Guyana,
  • Honduras,
  • Cayman Islands,
  • Iraq,
  • Jordan,
  • Libya,
  • Morocco,
  • Moldova,
  • Nicaragua,
  • Pakistan,
  • Panama,
  • Central African Republic,
  • Dominican Republic,
  • Russia,
  • Somalia,
  • Sudan,
  • Trinidad and Tobago,
  • Tunisia,
  • Ukraine,
  • Vanuatu,
  • Venezuela,
  • Zimbabwe.


The ICO is not accessible to a “US citizen” or to postal or email addresses in the United States of America. It is therefore prohibited to transmit, distribute or reproduce materials related to the ICO to or for a “US citizen” or in the territories of the United States of America, in whole or in part.

To ensure eligibility to purchase $SUMMIT, buyers expressly represent that they are not from the “United States”. citizen” (within the meaning of “Regulation S” of the Securities Act 1933 of American law), i.e.:

i. any individual residing in the United States of America;

ii. any partnership or corporation organized or established under United States law;

iii. any property for which the executor or administrator is a U.S. citizen;

iv. any trust of which an agent is a United States citizen;

v. any agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States of America;

vi. any non-discretionary account or similar account (other than a trust or property) held by a merchant or other fiduciary for the benefit of or on behalf of a U.S. citizen;

vii. any discretionary or similar account (other than a trust or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary, which is organized, established or (if an individual) resident in the United States of America ; And

viii. any partnership or company if:

has. it is organized or established under the law of a foreign jurisdiction;


b. it is formed by a United States citizen primarily for the purpose of investing in securities not listed under the United States Securities Act, unless it is organized or established and owned by accredited investors who are not individuals, trusts or properties.

Annex 3 - Private phase of the ICO

The terms of the private phase of the ICO are as follows:

Minimum investment : €5,000.00;

Price per token : €0.5454

Blocking and release conditions :

  • Blocking period: 3 months; And
  • Release period: 16 months with progressive release of 6.25% per month.

It is specified that the Private Sale is accessible by invitation only.

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