Investissez dans le seul service de minage au monde toujours rentable après plus de 5 ans
et invente un nouveau service de minage de crypto-monnaies.
Le minage de crypto-monnaies est très simple à comprendre. Cela consiste à vérifier les transactions effectuées entre les personnes qui s’échangent des crypto-monnaies, notamment la plus célèbre qui est le Bitcoin, à l’aide d’ordinateurs très puissants.
Les mineurs sont les personnes qui minent (c’est aussi le nom donné aux ordinateurs). En minant, vous percevez des frais pour chaque transaction vérifiée. Exactement comme lorsque votre banque perçoit des frais lorsque vous envoyez de l’argent ou quand vous payez avec votre carte.
Ce qui est intéressant, c’est que n’importe qui peut devenir mineur. Il faut « juste » acheter les bons ordinateurs pour vérifier les transactions. Et idéalement en vérifier le plus possible !
Donc, n’importe qui peut recevoir de l’argent grâce à la validation des milliers de transactions effectuées chaque jour sur les crypto-monnaies.Même vous.
Notre CEO lors de la visite d'une ferme de minage de bitcoins
(novembre 2019)
*Vols, incendie, coupures d'électricité, géopolitique
Une gestion professionnelle qui a déjà fait ses preuves : vous évitez ainsi toutes les erreurs de débutant.
Les machines vous appartiennent ; vous gardez donc une valeur résiduelle de votre investissement initial.
La possibilité de résilier le service et de récupérer une partie de votre investissement initial, voire la totalité (selon les conditions de marché).
Un service client réactif et chaleureux pour répondre à toutes vos questions.
L'équité de votre investissement vous assure un meilleur retour sur investissement.
Un mois n’est pas rentable ? Nous débranchons les machines pour qu'elles ne fonctionnent pas à perte.
Bien que le minage mutualisé réduise certains risques, le minage de crypto-monnaies reste risqué en raison de la volatilité des prix des crypto-monnaies et de l'équipement de minage. Nous encourageons chacun à bien comprendre ces risques et à consulter un conseiller financier avant d'investir. Investissez uniquement un montant que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre sans compromettre votre situation financière. Les performances passées ne garantissent pas les résultats futurs.
« La réduction du risque, rendue possible grâce à la mutualisation, c'est pour nous la chose la plus importante. »
One of our mining farms.
1,77 %
2,13 %
4,26 %
3,01 %
0,24 %
0,10 %
11,51 %
0,96 %
0,04 %
0,20 %
0,29 %
0,45 %
0,58 %
0,20 %
0,60 %
0,38 %
0,27 %
0,70 %
1,45 %
2,86 %
8,02 %
0,67 %
2,09 %
1,95 %
2,32 %
1,92 %
0,91 %
0,39 %
0,40 %
0,34 %
0,15 %
0,08 %
0,00 %
0,00 %
10,54 %
0,88 %
12,51 %
12,43 %
13,70 %
12,75 %
7,85 %
3,12 %
4,24 %
5,25 %
4,05 %
6,14 %
4,98 %
3,66 %
90,68 %
7,56 %
4,41 %
3,48 %
1,73 %
3,26 %
3,42 %
3,31 %
4,70 %
6,62 %
4,13 %
2,62 %
6,20 %
8,86 %
52,74 %
4,40 %
9,18 %
10,72 %
22,81 %
19,39 %
35,44 %
38,19 %
14,54 %
9,59 %
3,41 %
3,28 %
1,28 %
1,53 %
167,79 %
13,98 %
*Les performances passées ne sont pas indicatives des performances futures.
Nous n'investissons qu'une seule fois par mois.
Ne manquez pas notre prochain tour d'investissement !
Summit Mining, ce n’est pas seulement gagner de l’argent. C’est aussi rejoindre une incroyable communauté bienveillante, guidée par le même objectif d’améliorer ses connaissances sur les crypto-monnaies.
Lorsque vous rejoignez notre groupe Discord, et vous pouvez poser toutes les questions que vous voulez.
Aucune pression quant à votre niveau de connaissances. Nous avons tous démarré un jour et nous sommes là pour vous aider.
Une fois devenu investisseur, vous aurez accès sur ce même groupe à un espace privé 💎.
Tous les mercredis à 19 h (heure d'Europe centrale), nous faisons un live privé de 30 minutes où nous répondons à toutes vos questions. Un replay est également disponible !
Frais d'ouverture de compte
Devises acceptées
Crypto-actifs acceptés
USDT (ERC-20, TRC-20), DAI, USDC (ERC-20), BUSD (BEP-20).
Dépôt initial minimum
2 000 €
Minimum dépôt complémentaire
1 €
Frais de traitement
15 % à 26 %*
Ces frais couvrent les dépenses préalables à l’installation des Équipements : transport, assurance pour la logistique, douane, TVA, frais légaux, installation et configuration de l’Équipement, Frais de configuration de l’Équipement, frais et droits de douane, frais légaux, frais de dossier, taxes diverses, caution pour l’électricité, achat de matériel (conteneur, turbine, câbles, connectique, routeurs, etc.) et autres.
Frais de performance
20 %*
*Offres promotionnelles non comprises
Réinvestissement minimum
100 €
Devises acceptées
Crypto-actifs acceptés
Frais de retrait après échéance
Frais supplémentaires pour les achats récurrents
Frais d'intervention
Frais de transaction sortante
0 €
Retrait rapide du Capital en dehors de la Place de Marché
Sous 15 jours
Décote de 25 % de la valeur de la SMK
Retrait classique du Capital en dehors de la Place de Marché
Sous 30 jours
Valeur réelle de la SMK
Les frais d'obsolescence sont utilisés pour renouveler le parc de minage. Les frais sont variables et dépendent du retour sur investissement mensuel.
Remarque : Les frais seront applicables à compter du 1er septembre 2022.
Rendement client brut (% mensuel)
Contribution en pourcentage à la rénovation du parc de minage
0,00 % à 0,80 %
0 %
0,81 % et 1,53 %
3 %
1,54 % et 2,21 %
6 %
2,22 % à 2,84 %
9 %
2,85 % et 3,44 %
12 %
3,45 % à 3,99 %
15 %
4,00 % et 4,52 %
18 %
4,53 % à 5,02 %
21 %
5,03 % et plus
24 %
* Les niveaux de VIP de 1 à 9 peuvent être atteints soit grâce à la détention de jetons Summit Tokens, soit selon le nombre de parrainages effectués dans l’écosystème Summit.
Si le niveau est acquis grâce à la détention de Summit Tokens, ceux-ci doivent être immobilisés pour une période minimale de six mois.
Lors de la période de blocage, le détenteur de Summit Tokens peut surclasser à tout moment son niveau de VIP si la valeur de ses Summit Tokens s’accroît et que cette nouvelle valeur lui permet de changer de palier. Dans ce cas, une nouvelle période de blocage de six mois démarre.
À l’issue de la période de blocage terminée, le niveau de VIP est conservé par défaut, sauf si le détenteur de Summit Tokens se sépare de ses jetons.
Ex : Vous détenez 5000 € de Summit Tokens. Vous êtes donc éligible pour le niveau de VIP 3. Si en cours de période de blocage (6 mois) la valeur du Summit Token est multipliée par 3, vous détenez donc désormais 15 000 € de Summit Tokens, ce qui vous permet de passer VIP 4 si vous le souhaitez. Dans ce cas, les Summit Tokens sont bloqués à nouveau pour 6 mois. À la fin de cette période, votre statut VIP 4 est conservé, même si le cours retombe. En revanche, si vous vendez pour 6 000 € de Summit Tokens, (15 000 € – 6 000 € = 9 000 €), alors vous perdrez votre statut VIP 4 car le montant de vos avoir sera inférieur au montant minimum requis, et ce en raison d’une action que vous avez mené (une vente de vos Summit Tokens) et non de conditions de marché défavorables.
Niveau VIP
Versement régulier d’une partie des revenus dégagés par le Groupe Summit
Invitation aux événements organisés par le Groupe Summit
Support client prioritaire par e-mail
Conseiller clientèle dédié par téléphone
Voyages « détente » annuels
Niveau VIP
Frais de performance de Summit Mining*
*Offres promotionnelles non comprises
20,0 %
19,5 %
19,0 %
18,5 %
18,0 %
17,5 %
17,0 %
16,5 %
16,0 %
15,0 %
Offres spéciales
Ceux qui ont investi avant minuit le 25 mars 2022 reçoivent une commission de performance à vie de 15 %.
Ces offres spéciales ne sont pas automatiquement éligibles aux niveaux VIP 1 à 9. Toutefois, ces offres spéciales sont cumulables avec les niveaux VIP 1 à 9 si la personne est éligible aux niveaux VIP 1 à 9.
Pour chaque recommandation validée :
- le parrain reçoit 25€ en SMK
- l'arbitre peut choisir de recevoir 25€ en SMK ou de bénéficier d'une réduction de 30 % pendant 3 mois sur ses honoraires de performance.
Tout d'abord, nous vous recommandons de lire toutes les questions et réponses de la FAQ afin de vous familiariser avec notre service. Ensuite, pour approfondir vos connaissances dans le domaine des crypto-monnaies, vous pouvez consulter notre blog. Le lien se trouve dans le menu en haut de la page. Et si vous avez encore des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons toujours ravis de vous aider !
Afin de fournir à nos clients la meilleure protection juridique possible, nous avons enregistré notre société en Europe, plus précisément à Dublin, en Irlande. Nos bureaux y sont également situés.
Les machines que nous achetons chaque mois sont expédiées dans plusieurs endroits où le prix de l'électricité est bas. Actuellement, ils sont répartis sur 12 sites dans quatre pays : la Russie, le Canada, les États-Unis et l'Islande. Cela nous permet de réduire les risques et d'obtenir de meilleurs prix pour tous.
Nous ne sommes pas des conseillers fiscaux et nous ne pouvons fournir aucun conseil concernant la fiscalité. En général, vous devez payer un impôt sur les profits et les revenus là où vous vivez. Si vous n'êtes pas complètement sûr, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec un comptable ou un fiscaliste.
Oui, en tant que parrain, vous recevez 25€. En tant que parrain, vous pouvez choisir de recevoir 25€ ou de bénéficier d'une réduction de 30 % de 3 mois de frais de gestion. Si vous choisissez de recevoir 25€, ils sont convertis en SMK au moment de votre investissement initial.
Nous sommes experts en négociation, en gestion et en logistique, mais Summit Mining n'est pas un service de gestion de fonds. Par conséquent, nous n'investissons pas vos fonds sur les marchés financiers et nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous conseiller sur l'évolution des prix, les prévisions, etc.
Nous achetons du matériel avec vos fonds et nous en prenons soin pour vous. Ensuite, nous vous envoyons les bénéfices que vous réalisez. C'est aussi simple que cela.
Tout investissement comporte des risques, et ceux-ci sont d'autant plus importants à mesure que nous nous lançons dans le secteur des cryptomonnaies. Nous vous recommandons donc de n'investir que l'argent dont vous n'avez pas besoin pour vivre.
Cela dit, nous travaillons depuis longtemps avec nos fournisseurs et partenaires. Nous avons veillé à ce que nos partenaires commerciaux disposent de données d'entreprise valides et opèrent légalement. Nous avons également visité les installations nous-mêmes, nous savons donc qu'elles sont légitimes. Nous y avons également installé nos propres machines, la sécurité est donc une priorité ! » Avec Summit Mining, l'évolution du marché des cryptomonnaies comporte également un risque, car le prix des machines que nous achetons est corrélé à celui-ci. Cela signifie, au risque de simplifier le processus de réflexion, que si le prix des crypto-monnaies baisse, le prix des machines de minage baisse également, et donc la valeur résiduelle de votre investissement.
Il existe également un risque lié à l'obsolescence des machines de minage. Étant donné que les machines de minage sont du matériel et des évolutions technologiques, la valeur du matériel diminue naturellement avec le temps, bien qu'il soit parfois possible de vendre le matériel à un prix supérieur à celui qu'il a été acheté. Toutefois, dans l'ensemble, l'obsolescence naturelle des équipements miniers a tendance à faire baisser la valeur résiduelle de votre investissement.
Vous pouvez créer vous-même un compte via ce lien.
Nous vous demanderons ensuite d'accepter nos conditions générales et de vérifier votre identité (KYC). Il s'agit d'une caractéristique réglementaire obligatoire qui contribue, entre autres, à vous protéger. Une fois cela fait, nous vous fournirons nos informations de paiement (virements bancaires ou crypto-monnaies uniquement). Enfin, si vous n'en avez pas encore, nous vous aidons à créer un portefeuille cryptographique afin de pouvoir vous envoyer vos revenus miniers.
Et si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Envoyez-nous vos coordonnées et nous vous contacterons dans les 24 heures pour discuter des prochaines étapes. Veuillez VÉRIFIEZ VOTRE DOSSIER DE COURRIER INDÉSIRABLE. Notre e-mail s'y trouve peut-être !
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité.
Le minage est rentable... si vous savez quoi faire et ne pas faire.
Tout d'abord, vous devez avoir accès à des prix d'électricité bas, car les machines consomment beaucoup d'énergie.
Deuxièmement, vous devez obtenir un bon prix sur les machines, sinon vous finirez par ne jamais rembourser la machine.
Troisièmement, si vous décidez de les expédier dans votre pays d'origine, vous devrez payer 30 à 40 % supplémentaires pour payer les droits de douane, la TVA, les frais d'expédition, les assurances, etc. De plus, les machines de minage sont parfois considérées comme des ordinateurs de cryptage. Ainsi, dans certains pays, ces machines sont tout simplement interdites sauf si vous disposez de permis spéciaux.
Sachant cela, le rendement est également conditionné par des facteurs externes, tels que la puissance informatique totale disponible sur le réseau (le hashrate), le prix des cryptomonnaies, etc. Cela signifie que le minage est parfois extrêmement rentable, et parfois il l'est moins ou pas du tout rentable pendant un certain temps. Comme tout investissement légitime, le minage n'est donc pas un produit miracle.
Le retour sur investissement varie chaque mois, en fonction principalement du prix des crypto-monnaies que nous minons. En règle générale, plus la valeur d'une cryptomonnaie est élevée, plus le retour sur investissement est élevé.
Rather than go into a long rant, take a look at the chart on our site's homepage, which shows month-by-month profitability. These are calendar months, meaning we don't take into account the overall increase in the cryptocurrency market after the month shown, nor do we take into account the possibility of reinvesting your profits from month to month.
For the sake of transparency, please note that we cannot guarantee or promise a return on investment, as we do not (unfortunately!) control the price of cryptocurrencies (yet 😀).
We are currently mining Bitcoin (BTC), and until the Ethereum (ETH) event known as "The Merge", we have started mining 4 new cryptocurrencies: ETHW, FLUX, ZIL and KAS.
The choice of the latter is bound to evolve according to the evolution of the profitability of mining these cryptocurrencies. We are therefore actively monitoring the behavior of the market and the machines to see if any cryptocurrencies stand out in terms of profitability.
Community mining is a concept we invented in the mining world. Normally, in traditional mining, when you mine, you buy machines, install them somewhere and (hopefully) they make you money. The problem is that when a machine breaks down, you are the one who pays for the repair. And in the meantime, you are not mining anymore. Also, if a new, more efficient machine comes on the market, you can't take advantage of it unless you reinvest.
With Community Mining, everything is shared. Costs are shared, machines are shared, revenues are shared. On top of that, because we pool the funds at our disposal, and we only place orders once a month, we have much better prices than anyone else, especially individuals. For this reason, we can buy more machines and this benefits you directly.
The group effect makes it possible to generate additional income for everyone, hence the notion of "community mining".
No. If mining is temporarily unprofitable, we are committed to covering any losses. Technically, we will pull the plug on unprofitable machines until they become profitable again. This is the worst case scenario. On your side, the worst case scenario will be a 0% ROI for the month and a decrease in the value of the machines. Indeed, if the machines are not profitable, they will logically sell for less on the market. Your initial investment may therefore be temporarily impacted.
The concept is as follows: with the machines we buy, we mine cryptocurrencies; with these cryptocurrencies, we pay the electricity bill every month. Even if this is not perfectly accurate in practice, let's take the fictitious example with the following parameters:
1. We are interested in the case of Bitcoin only,
2. From month to month, for mining, only the price of Bitcoin (BTC) varies,
3. We have machines that produce 3 bitcoins per month, gross,
4. The electricity bill is 20,000 euros.
Scenario 1
In the first month, let's say the Bitcoin price is 10,000 euros, i.e. 1 BTC = 10,000 euros.
If we mined 3 BTC, we need 2 BTC at 10,000 euros each to pay the electricity bill of 20,000 euros.
So we have 1 net BTC left in our pocket, which is worth 10,000 euros.
Scenario 2
Let's say that the following month the price of BTC drops to 5,000 euros, i.e. 1 BTC = 5,000 euros.
We always mine 3 BTC, it does not change. So we mine 3 BTC x 5,000 euros = 15,000 euros.
The electricity bill does not change either. It is still 20,000 euros.
Having mined only the equivalent of 15,000 euros, we have to add 5,000 euros of our own money to cover the bill. And in this case, it is better to quickly disconnect the machines than to run them at a loss.
This is of course an extreme example, but it makes it easy to understand why mining can be more or less profitable.
To understand the impact of halving on performance, you must first understand why mining machines are not always profitable. The previous question in this F.A.Q. answers this question. Please read the answer first to understand the following concept.
During a halving, the mining reward is divided by 2. The date is known in advance and it happens about every 4 years in Bitcoin.
Using the example from the previous question, this translates into the following: instead of mining 3 BTC, we suddenly only mine 1.5 BTC. Some machines may become unprofitable. Punctually. Why punctually? Because there is a parameter that we did not take into account in our previous example: the difficulty of mining.
This is a mathematical parameter, but to put it simply, it means that if mining is suddenly less profitable, many miners will give up mining in order not to mine at a loss. In this case, the remaining miners will share a larger amount of Bitcoins if they continue to mine, which will help pay the electricity bills. It is therefore important to buy powerful machines and to have cheap electricity.
In the case of Summit Mining, mining multiple cryptocurrencies reduces the risk when halving.
Mining is simple, but anything but easy! Many sites scam users and legitimate sites often charge customers a fortune for the machines. So it's not easy to find trusted partners.
Then the machines have to be shipped. Somewhere. So you'll have to pay additional shipping costs, and they're not particularly low.
Secondly, the machines should be installed, preferably where the cost of electricity is low, which is usually not in your home or even in the country you live in. And where the noise doesn't matter. Because yes, the machines are terribly noisy. And they get hot. A lot. So you need access to a serious cooling system.
Then they need to be configured. If you have survived until now, your machines may be defective within the first 3 days or after a few weeks. Therefore, they may have to go back to the manufacturer (obvious waste of time and money). Finally, you have to monitor them all the time, as they often need to be rebooted, cleaned, etc., like any computer.
One of our featured models was the Antminer S19. In February 2021, we were buying it for about $3,560 USD, including shipping + power supply. On, which calculates miner profitability and compares prices from online stores, this model was priced between $5,455 and $9,689 at the time.
Due to the fact that we have been in the market for several years now working in the mining business and growing our network, we have access to lower prices than what you can find on resale sites. In addition, we order machines once a month by pooling the funds deposited by our investors and since we order in large quantities, we have access to discounted prices.
No. You mine all the cryptos that our mining park mines in proportion to your investment. However, you are welcome to suggest machines or cryptos to mine. We will analyze them and decide accordingly.
The problem is that some machines may look very interesting on paper, but once installed, they give completely different results. We have a few models in mind... Also, most of the time, the very interesting machines are recent or soon to be released models. And for this reason, they are too expensive. Also, the launch can be delayed.
Thus, our expertise and our network of suppliers are a great source of reliable information to help us decide which models to buy and when.
Summit Mining is not a mining machine sales service, but a turnkey mining investment service.
If you want to buy mining machines, you can turn to another of our services whose main activity is mining: Summit Market.
And if you want to host your own mining machines in a secure facility while taking advantage of low power rates, you can also turn to another of our core services: Summit Hosting.
Our machines are located in Russia, USA, Canada and Iceland. In these countries, the cost of electricity is relatively low and the teams that take care of the equipment are very professional and highly qualified. This allows us to reduce the risk of concentrating the machines in one place.
The machines are located where electricity is cheapest in the world, because it is so-called fatal electricity, meaning it would be wasted if it could not be used immediately. Specifically, the electricity that powers Summit Mining's mining machines comes from hydroelectric plants and gas flares.
This brings several benefits:
- we use renewable energy, which is a priority for us,
- we have access to a huge source of energy,
- the price of electricity is low,
- the environmental impact is reduced by converting the gas from oil extraction into electricity; previously, this gas was flared, hence the existence of flares where oil is extracted.
Currently, only bank transfers and cryptocurrency payments are accepted.
We make payments on the 5th of each month, after sending you a monthly report that contains all the information related to your investment. We pay you according to the payment option chosen.
It is then up to you to decide whether you prefer to reinvest these funds in the next mining machine order, convert them into euros, dollars, etc. or simply keep them in your crypto wallet.
We do not transfer money to regular bank accounts. We only transfer funds to crypto wallets. For example, if you mine Bitcoin, we will send you Bitcoin. Then you are free to transfer your funds to your bank account, exchange them for another cryptocurrency, sell them, etc. It's up to you.
A SMK (Summit Mining Distribution Key) is the equivalent of a "share". It is mainly used for two things:
- It is used as a distribution key for earnings. The more SMKs you have, the larger your share of the mining pool and therefore the more mining winnings you get.
- It represents each client's share of the total assets that Summit Mining manages on behalf of its clients (the mining machines). The more SMKs you hold, the more you are entitled to the fruits of the resale of the assets under management.
No. You are free to reinvest (add) money or not and you are free to reinvest or not the funds mined during the month, for the next order. The initial investment is 2,000 euros, but for future reinvestment, the minimum amount is only 1 euro.
Available funds are funds that you can reinvest exclusively in Summit Mining for the purchase of new SMK. These funds can come from a variety of sources:
- of the deposits you have made via the Marketplace,
- exceptional refunds or bonuses.
Generally, available funds can be used for the purchase of SMKs during the opening of the Marketplace purchase phase. However, if there are no SMKs available for sale in the Marketplace, you can use your available funds for a traditional purchase via the "Invest" page.
Available funds are not transferable between Summit departments.
To withdraw funds, you must resell your SMKs, as this is what you initially receive for your investment with Summit Mining.
To sell SMKs, there are two options:
- Marketplace sales based on supply and demand: you sell your SMKs to other Summit Mining customers.
- Delegated sale: this is a physical sale of machines (see the terms and conditions on our "Pricing" section).
Withdrawals made before the end of the 6-month minimum commitment period are subject to an early withdrawal fee.
The Marketplace is a tool accessible through your dashboard. As a seller, this tool allows you to easily resell all or part of your SMKs to other Summit Mining customers who may be interested in buying them back from you. As a buyer, you can buy back SMKs from sellers.
The Marketplace was designed so that an investor can easily attempt to resell their SMKs to other Summit Mining customers. This allows for the potential resale of SMKs directly to other customers in the community, without any machines being moved or disconnected.
The marketplace is open for sellers between the 16th day of the month and the last day of the month. Its use is possible for all customers who have an approved account, i.e. with an up-to-date KYC or KYB. The sale on the Marketplace is conditioned by the fact that it is necessary to have SMK acquired with a first investment through a classic purchase.
If you sell SMKs through the Marketplace, the fruits of the sale will be credited directly to your dashboard, and they will be visible in the "Available Funds" section.
Please note that there is no guarantee of results when selling your SMK on the Marketplace. Indeed, it is a marketplace governed by the laws of supply and demand. Therefore, you cannot be sure that you will be able to sell your SMK if, for example, nobody wants to buy them.
If a seller does not manage to sell all his SMKs, he will be offered to sell them through the delegated sale (physical sale of the machines). The SMKs can also remain on the Marketplace for the next month, although a sale of your SMKs on the Marketplace can be much faster than with the delegated sale (the other way to sell your SMKs).
If the sale of SMK is successful, the proceeds of the sale are credited within 48 hours. The funds are then visible in the "Available Funds" section of your dashboard. At this point, you can choose to reinvest or withdraw the funds.
The Marketplace is designed for buyers to buy SMKs directly from other customers in the community who wish to sell theirs.
Purchasing in the Marketplace allows buyers to obtain SMKs that will be activated immediately. As a result, the buyer will be able to start generating mining gains from the purchase of these SMKs much faster, as the mining machines are already connected. In fact, these SMKs start to produce earnings within 48 hours, unlike a traditional purchase where earnings are produced 30 days after the end of an investment round.
For buyers, the Marketplace is open from the 2nd of the month (20:00 CET) until the 15th of the month (23:59:59 UTC).
Buying and selling on the Marketplace is conditioned by the fact that you must first have SMK acquired with an initial investment via a classic purchase.
In order to place buy orders and thus obtain SMK on the Marketplace, you must have sufficient Available Funds in your account.
You can increase your Available Funds by depositing euros or cryptocurrencies directly via the Marketplace.
Another way to get Available Funds is to choose to automatically convert your mining winnings into Available Funds. There is an option for this on your dashboard.
Please note that there is no guarantee that there will be enough SMK to buy. Indeed, this is a marketplace governed by the laws of supply and demand. Therefore, you cannot be sure that you will be able to buy SMK if, for example, nobody wants to sell SMK or if other buyers have already bought all the available SMK.
If a buyer cannot buy SMK on the marketplace, he can go through the classic purchase.
Nevertheless, a purchase of SMK on the Marketplace can be much faster than a traditional purchase.
There are two types of sell orders on the Marketplace:
1) The fixed price sell order allows you to manually choose at what price you want to sell your SMKs.
2) The market sale order with limit price. Unlike the fixed price sell order, the selling price of your SMKs automatically adjusts to the market price of the SMK, while imposing a limit price below which you do not want to sell your SMKs.
Important to know:
- It is not possible to place your sell order above the market price of the SMK.
- A sell order may only be partially executed.
- It is possible to create several sale orders.
Orders can be cancelled at any time, except on the first day of the month, when the Marketplace is reserved for automatic reinvestments.
For buyers, they can only place "market" orders. This means that buyers cannot indicate the price at which they would like to buy (as with a "limit" order). They can only buy directly the SMKs that are offered for sale, at the price desired by the seller.
If there are no SMKs for sale or the SMKs offered for sale have been sold just before the execution of the order, the purchase request (order) is automatically cancelled.
Buy orders can be placed at any time during the period that the Marketplace is open to buyers. SMK allocations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis, i.e. the lowest-priced SMKs will be sold to the first submitted buy orders.
The delegated sale corresponds to the physical sale of the machines by the Summit Mining team.
The advantage of using the Marketplace as a seller is that you can try to resell your SMKs faster than the traditional way with the delegated sale. The repayment of your funds is therefore potentially accelerated in case of success. Moreover, on the marketplace, the seller does not have to pay any fees, contrary to the delegated sale (see the terms and conditions on our "Pricing" section). However, there is no guarantee of liquidity on the marketplace.
The advantage as a buyer is the quick activation of SMKs, unlike SMKs purchased in the traditional way during investment rounds.
No. Whether you use the marketplace or not, you cannot resell your SMKs to anyone who is not already a Summit Mining customer.
The Summit Token is the cryptocurrency of the Summit Group. By holding Summit Tokens, you will be able to take advantage of many benefits in all Summit Group services (Summit Mining, Summit Gravity, Summit Quantum, etc.).
In addition, a significant portion of the Summit Group's revenue will be redistributed to you, allowing you to receive additional passive income.
Detailed information about the Summit Token can be found on the Summit Group website.
At this time, the Summit Token is in the process of an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Therefore, the Summit Token is not yet listed and is not publicly tradable.
The ICO includes several private purchase phases. The next phases will be available from the Super Dashboard accessible by clicking here. You will also find detailed information about the Summit Token.
1. We find the best deal with your investment and that of other investors. A good deal is a combination of low cost machines, fast delivery times, availability, etc.
2. We manage the shipping of the equipment to the "mining farm".
3. We install and configure the machines in a temperature-controlled room.
4. We monitor the machines to make sure they mine as much as possible.
5. We make sure that the machines stay in good condition (dust cleaning, reboot, software update and optimization, etc.).
6. We pay all the bills for you.
7. We help you create a portfolio if you don't have one or don't know how to get one.
8. We transfer the net balance to your wallet. Simply put, we manage the entire mining process for you, from A to Z.
Every Wednesday, our founder holds private remote meetings through the Zoom software. This is an opportunity to discuss the progress of the service, upcoming projects, and answer client questions.
Participation is of course optional. A replay and a written transcript are available if you cannot participate. Questions can be asked before the meeting and will be answered during the live session.
The meetings are private and confidential, and each one lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. They start at 7:00 p.m. (Central European Time).
Monthly operating reports are sent on the first day of each month in the evening. They contain a detailed summary of your investment. You will also be able to see the current value and distribution of your investment as of the last day of the month.
Also, if you have access to an up-to-date monthly analysis of the cryptocurrency market.
Monthly operating reports are currently available in English and French.
No. All the machines we buy are shared with all our investors. So everything is shared. This allows you to avoid having to be the only one to pay for repairs if a machine breaks down. It also allows you to benefit from new machines that are not yet on the market, that we will buy when they are released and that you would not have had access to unless you reinvested.
This is a community investment and we are the only ones doing it.
Almost all of the fees we charge are performance fees. It depends on the net amount you mine each month. Net means that electricity and all other costs are already deducted. If you get a small profit, we get a small fee. So we strive to have you generate as much as possible!
There are also processing fees. These costs cover the expenses prior to the installation of the mining equipment: transportation, insurance for logistics, customs, VAT, legal fees, installation and configuration of the machines, customs fees and duties, legal fees, various taxes, deposit for electricity, purchase of equipment (container, turbine, cables, connectors, routers, etc.) and others.
All fees are visible on the Pricing section of our site.
To answer this question, it is important to understand how resource sharing works in general, and then more specifically, how it works with Summit Mining.
If you read the answer to the question "What is a Summit Mining distribution Key?" above, you know that in exchange for your investment, you will receive Summit Mining distribution Keys (SMKs) and that one SMK represents the current market value of the mining machines (visible on your dashboard).
When we order mining machines, a part of the initial investment goes into costs (called processing costs) such as transportation, transportation insurance costs, customs costs, machine testing costs, installation costs. You also bear these costs if you invest in mining without us.
Let's take a simplified but realistic example where you invest 10,000 euros.
If you have 10,000 euros (and not one more) at your disposal, you will be able to buy a machine outside Europe for 6,000 euros, because you will have to spend 4,000 euros (approximately) on shipping, insurance, customs, VAT, etc. If you buy the same machine in Europe, the reseller will have already impacted the price with these costs and will even have taken his margin. It could eventually cost you 11,000 euros or 12,000 euros. Or even more (we have already seen this!).
Keeping in mind the previous principle, we cannot buy machines for exactly 10,000 euros. For example, there are 7,500 euros of machines (2 machines at 3,750 euros each) and 2,500 euros of costs.
Therefore, in reality, we only bought 7,500 euros worth of machines, and the remaining 2,500 euros are "sunk" costs. That said, since you invested 10,000 euros, you get SMKs back, the number of which depends on the price of the SMK on the day you invested.
On the day you wish to withdraw funds, in whole or in part, we will need to re-assess the value of your SMKs. The value of your SMKs is based on the value of the machines that make up the mining fleet. The value of the machines that make up the mining fleet depends on the profitability of the machines. And finally, the profitability of a machine depends not only on its power but especially on the price of the cryptocurrency it mines. In concrete terms, if it brings in 50 euros in a month but costs 75 euros in electricity, it is not profitable and therefore no one will want it. So there is supply but no demand. Supply and demand oblige, its price will be low. If, on the other hand, the machine produces 125 euros per month and costs 75 euros in electricity, it is profitable and its price will be higher. You can find more details about the variation in the profitability of machines in the section that answers the question "Why is the profitability of mining machines not always the same?"
Understanding the basic principle of supply and demand, it therefore makes more sense to wait until the market price of cryptocurrencies is high rather than when it is low to recover invested funds, so that the value of your SMKs is as high as possible. You also understand that the funds initially invested are not guaranteed.
When you have finally made your decision, your SMKs are offered for sale to other customers, who may be interested in buying them back. If no one wants them, we physically sell machines for the amount we need to recover to reimburse you, and the SMKs are then destroyed and removed from the fleet.
Your SMKs are activated as the ordered mining machines are installed (on a pro-rata basis).
At the latest, 100% of your SMKs become active and start mining one calendar month after the deadline of the investment you participated in. For example, if you participate in the October investment round, the round ends on October 31 (end of calendar month), and your SMKs are activated one calendar month later, i.e. on December 1.
You can follow the weekly Wednesday live (on Discord) for updates on the progress of the installation of the machines.
Since the reopening of Summit Mining in March 2022, the contracts have been replaced by General Conditions. These are available here:
No. Legally, if something were to happen to you, Summit Mining could not enforce the addition of another beneficiary. If you wish to transfer your account to a spouse, partner, child or other, you should contact your notary.
No. For anti-money laundering and anti-tax evasion reasons, it is not possible to open a joint account.
For anti-money laundering and anti-tax evasion reasons, it is not possible to make internal transfers.
Thus, to transfer SMK (or funds) from your Summit Mining account to another Summit Mining account, in this case we need to make a refund of the funds to your bank account or crypto wallet depending on the type of payment originally received. This can only be done once the 6-month blocking period of the funds has passed.
Then you can send us funds again from your bank account or crypto wallet. Please note, however, that the funds you send back to Summit Mining will be considered a new investment. And if applicable, you will be responsible for the fees on this transfer.
Exemple : You have 2,000 SMK as an individual and have a company that holds 8,000 SMK. You want to transfer all your SMK to your company account. We cannot credit the 2,000 SMK directly from your account to your company's account. We will first make a refund of your 2,000 SMK to your personal bank account at market value (which may be €2,000 or €1,500 at this time, for example). Then, you will have to send back funds from your company's bank account (and only from your company's bank account) to be credited to the Summit Mining pro account. At this point you will have to pay the processing fee again, as this will be a new investment from a new account.